About IVI

Organisation Profile (IVI) 

IVI is a multidisciplinary research institute focused on digital transformation and technology adoption based in Maynooth University. Founded in 2006 in collaboration with Intel, we have a strong track record of industry collaboration, both locally and internationally. We have demonstrated excellent dissemination capability including education and training, and have developed a close working relationship with Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland and other research centres.

The Innovation Value Institute assists enterprises in their digital transformation. We provide strategic guidance to enterprises through collaborative research following the open innovation paradigm that helps enterprises succeed in their Digital Transformation by reducing the risk and increasing the Organisational agility through the application of Digital Transformation Paths.

IT Framework: IT-CMF

IT-CMF is the gold standard for the management of IT Value and IT-Enabled Innovation. The IT Capability Maturity Framework is a framework specifically created by IVI to derive real, measurable business value from IT. It helps organisations devise more robust strategies, make better-informed decisions, and perform more effectively, efficiently, and consistently.

Research is focused on discovering strategic research challenges and co-creating validated Digital Transformation Paths. Together with our research partners in our Research Clusters, we develop innovative research outputs that are relevant for both research and in practice, to transform and architect sustainable Service Ecosystems.

The Innovation Value Institute has established an open innovation community that allows an engaged and agile research approach to significant research challenges related to Digital Transformation. Through our research clusters, we are working with industry and academic partners and domain experts, bringing together leading expertise from industry, policy makers and research, representing a range of aspects of the socio-technical environment.

The Innovation Value Institute offers an excellent Interdisciplinary, Intersectoral and International Research and Training environment. Research is conducted in collaboration with our partners to realise the synergies between research and practice and engage in real world environments.

Contact us

For sponsorship opportunities contact:

Wayne Leitch
Lead Partnership Manager
Mob: +353 86 857 5144
Email: [email protected]

Sponsorship Enquiry